

Friday, July 1, 2016

Improving Suburbia Portfolio 8 Stony Brook University Hospital

Mart And Hospital Pavilion with Children's Hospital
Medical and Research Translation (Mart) at
Stony Brook University Hospital

While visiting dad at the hospital I had a chance to take in some of the architecture at Stony Brook University Hospital. Stony Brook has finally gotten its architectural legs back it seems. If you are familiar with the "old" hospital, visually that is, you may not have been too impressed; E.G. The "Dice Building" 1970's claptrap (Nonsensical) architecture at its worst:

Those horrid concrete panels kept falling off-even now they are in bad shape.
The new architecture is a vast improvement to this hospital. Here are some random pics I took of the Mart and Hospital pavilion under construction:


  1. The "dice" photo is not the hospital - it is the basic sciences building adjacent to the hospital towers. The two "dice buildings"(the second is the health sciences building) have grown on me over time, though Brutalism and Bertrand Goldberg in particular are an acquired taste. The hospital towers and dice buildings look like Darth Vader's house. Have to also disagree about the new buildings - they are both generic office park glass covered structures - nothing interesting or remarkable about them, and totally out of place attached to the dice and tower buildings.

  2. Sorry for the late (very late) response, my apologies. Your points are well taken. I unfortunately have not grown to like the "dice buildings" and probably never will - As for the new buildings, they are not cutting edge design true but tastefully done in my opinion. Maybe the MART architects could have taken their cue from Mies...
