

Why you "Stink" at Architecture

There is a Daniel Johnston song called, "The Sun shines down on me" (See above) and in it is a curious if not depressing opening line that goes, "I'm getting closer to the fact, I've turned my back, on silly dreams... "  It sounds depressing, certainly not a moral booster and very off putting to anyone with a stitch of optimism in their body. In the early days of  my career this kind of thought would have been off putting to me as well but now I think I get it. In fact, I see the absolute beauty and truth in it. Before I continue I must apologize for the academic title of this article, some may be offended by it but that was my intent, onward.

It is a great consolation to me, now, to know, that most people in their pursuit of their dreams will fail. No, I'm not some depressed anarchistic or deprived jealous narcissist, it's just a simple observation love it or hate it.  In fact, most people will never achieve what they originally set out to do in life. Hogwash! I did exactly what I set out to do! Speak for yourself!  I don't know about other professions but as far as architecture goes I can guarantee you most will never realize their dreams. I can hear the blow-back now and if your offended that's fine but please don't try defend the 99% of current architecture that gets built which is awful-that can't possibly be the realization of anyone's dreams. I happen to believe that if architects could truly produce architecture as they wanted, the built environment, generally speaking, would look a lot nicer. The reality is a vast majority of architects do have, "dreams" to offer, but quickly get hammered by or crushed by the MACHINE or in other words the "real world".  Early in life we believed, without a doubt, that we could be the next Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier (Fill in the blank______) ;It was never a question but a certainty. We went through our university years thinking, "I'm going to change the world!" What really happens after we leave university is something entirely different. You want an explanation?  I've got news for you, even those architects that have achieved some level of success are but just footnotes in the annals of history. The days of great architects and architecture is over. I used to think success, recognition, stardom were the rewards for great talent and amazing work but sadly today it is not. Today's Social Scientists and greed grabbers are engineering  greatness out of the equation and have redefined the playing field. Those that prosper from it are promoters of self aggrandizement, marketing masters and fabricator's of their own importance- Talent has little to do with it. I won't elaborate since that is a very complex topic for another conversation. The architects I personally know and all those that I don't know and all those that have risen to the top, I've come to learn are no big deal, they're just not that great.  You may want substantiation of these claims and I will give none-I'm just stating my own personal experience- I'm just not impressed any longer. I'm humbled that I no longer ascribe to the insanity, it's a weight off my back, and I feel great.

I know most won't agree with my assessment, because to live in that kind of world I describe is to admit that we are deeply flawed, shallow, and rudimentary people- that world stinks! One needs hope, always! I don't want you to leave this article in such a negative light, especially for those of you just starting out in the field of architecture. Yes, strive for the top, it's the only way but remember not to lose yourself and trade your soul for smoke and mirrors, which can quickly happen.  I'll never give up on my dream of what architecture is and should be but I have given up on trying to change it. If I were younger, knowing what I know now I may have changed my approach to changing architecture in this way: To start, (this is only a first step) look at changing a reality that is, rather than a dream that is not. I have loathed the condition of our built environment, the industry in which it grows and those that aid and abet it- I vowed  I shall not partake in that system but rather do all in my power to change it. Loud Buzzer sound please. I now know this was a mistake. It's funny and ironic. I only realized  the error of my ways, in that to dream, I had to give up on my dreams.  What I should have done is to have inserted myself in a system that I did not agree with and change it from the inside out. I have tried to do the reverse, change the system from the outside in, like writing articles about architecture, picking and choosing the commissions I deem worthy to work on but all that will make but little difference.

Please understand that your ideas are worthless and priceless. Your good intentions are noble but useless. The greater good the ideal but subordinate to personal gain and finally ego will always trump intelligent thought. As I wrote in one of my past articles, "You need to ship" (as the great Seth Godin said, look him up)  It's not the great ideas that win the day but those ideas that can translate into actual useful action....Lastly, I know there is a Vincent Van Gogh out there, who, like Vincent, shall go to their grave without having seen their contribution to the world recognized. Tis a shame wouldn't you say? I may be closer to the fact of giving up on my silly dreams but don't you on yours. Question: Would you rather be a penniless Van Gogh or a million dollar phenom Daniel Hirsch? I suspect most would choose the latter and that is why you stink as an architect.

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