

Article 23, The Apple Plan - Calverton Site (EPCAL) Development

10-17-17 Update: Amazon is looking for a new headquarters right here on Long Island! Some Towns in Nassau are fighting it out to lure Amazon to their Town...How about Riverhead Town? Are they fighting for their business? No not interested, that takes work...

Since I started documenting the old Grumman Calverton site, formerly known as the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant and getting to know the background and controversy, I would like to add my two cents on how to "develop" this land; I call it the Apple Plan- Add prestige and economic growth to an already prestigious site.

How the former Grumman site should be developed is a no brainer in my opinion. Why the town of Riverhead has wrestled with this issue is a mystery to me. Not only have they struggled with this question but they seem to have given in to the wrecking ball planning we call "sub-division." How this would even be considered a possibility is beyond me. Sub-division planning is the least creative way to develop this land, especially with this famed site. When this kind of measure is implemented development will have crossed the Rubicon, killing any appropriate future planning. We will never put another man on the moon, not in this generation and what remnants are left of it will be erased by plastic covered homes - a most inglorious end to the most brilliant achievements of man.

OK, so how should this site be developed? Introducing The Apple plan. It's a big site. Phase one leave most of it as is. Progressive companies such as Apple will love this as they learn how to integrate their factory (and start producing product in the USA again) in a sustainable environmentally friendly way with wildlife and nature located on the site. With the largest grasslands left on Long Island the majority of the Grumman site will remain in it's natural state and become a protected parkland with trails for people to enjoy. Phase two, promote industry. Industry has moved into the old Grumman buildings already; Reilly windows and Riverhead Building Supply just to mention a few but what is lacking is an anchor industry. A lesson from strip mall planning can be utilized: you need a well known famed anchor store. In this case it will not be a Macy's but an anchor industry, factory or headquarters one that will produce jobs. The real problem with that and the reason why it has not happened is the reason Grumman left in the first place which is the high cost of labor-industry and over development currently found on LI. Law makers should focus on changing that rather than myriad of useless proposals to develop the site. That anchor industry would be a company such as Apple computer or Microsoft or Google or Mitsubishi or Honda, some well known high quality industry to "Anchor" the other smaller industries. That would add value and prestige to this site of incredible lineage. Riverhead Town should send a delegate to these businesses and offer them the chance of a life time; If you are lucky enough to be selected we will allow you to establish a state of the art facility complete with amenities that no other place in the world can offer, on "The land that sent men to the moon" - that's real action, that's real progress. The third phase would seal the deal: Keep the airport open as a regional airport which would then serve these prestigious industries and local aviators. What, you don't think Elon Musk (SpaceX, Tesla fame) would not be interested in this???

The above plan would preserve the site, add prestige and bring many jobs to our Island. I do realize my thoughts are pure fantasy, prestige is not on its way; the sub-division is coming like it or not, we are powerless to stop it-it's the law of supply and demand. Landing men on the moon has no place on Long Island anymore, maybe no where else either; indeed, we live in sad, sad times...
Lewis Portal

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