

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

HP 26 Portfolio Montauk Man Part 9

Montauk Man Part 9 Continued


It was the next morning. The cottage was just as foul smelling as before with its deep dirty sock musty odder. We had no food or coffee and I had a slight hangover. We both sat back rubbing the sleep out of our eyes and just sat there thinking. Tom spoke first: "So what's the plan?" I frankly had no idea. I didn't even know if I could trust Tom, after all only a day before I knew him as as "Chris, surfer dude." "What would you be normally doing right now?" "I would be going out into town getting something to eat pretending to be a local, hanging out with the boys. In the afternoon I would go to the Montauk for my shift and check in with Gunther..." "The butler looking type who pretended to have checked me in?" " Yes that's him. He's Air Force operative, not a hotelier. Anyway, I usually go like that for a number of days before they come for me...all depends" "How do they come for you?" "In a van, Men In Black, types..." "Men in black, huh...I'm assuming if you don't check in this afternoon they'll know something is up. Do they know you're with me?" "Yes, I called it in, after your encounter with Red that is. It's when you saw me out there surfing, I was really on my cell giving my report. I told them I would be trying to get further intel from you, sorry..."  " What did they tell you to do about me?" Tom shrugged his shoulders sheepishly, "They wanted me to get as much info from you as possible and then set up your "Extraction". " "OK Tom, we need to act fast." I now knew what their next move would be and it wasn't going to be a pleasant one. "Tom, we're going hiking. We'll make our way to the Deep Hollow Ranch through the brush and bramble" "Why the ranch, why hike?" "We need to get off the grid and travel by unconventional ways, let's see the Colonel stag a car accident now, or send his van through the trails...have you ever seen a "suit" go camping or hiking? No you haven't. It will be hard for them to follow us and the ranch is the best place to keep an eye out for anyone coming for us. "But that's heading East! Shouldn't we be going the other way to make our escape?" "No. That's what they're expecting, we would never make it. Let's cross our fingers that we run into "Him"; It's our only chance..."

Tom and I gathered whatever camping supplies were around, filled two back packs and headed for the beach. We got to the oceans edge, looked west then east. We both looked at the ocean inhaled the salt water breeze and closed our eyes in meditation mixed with prayer for a good outcome; we would need all the help we could get... But now we needed to get down to business. "Tom, give me your cell phone, this thing is a taking a trip on the LIRR, (Long Island Rail Road) back west, let's get to the train station. Tom and I walked through the brush, found some trails, made it through town the back way. I didn't know if we were being followed but we were extra cautious. We made it to the train station without being noticed, at least I think we weren't noticed. To the east I couldn't help stare at the Montauk Manor atop Signal Hill which looked beautiful but I had no time to admire the scenery or think about what I went through there, I needed to find a train heading west, which I did. I got on board, tucked the phone in a secure spot pressed a random phone number and took off. Tom and I headed for the brush and waited. I kept an eye on the train. Within 5 minutes of waiting I got sight of a few men in suits getting on and off the trains looking for us. I couldn't believe my eyes; I saw Devon, that weasel directing a few guys to get on various cars of the train. Tom whispered, "Those are the guys!!! They're looking for us, Jeez! How the hell are we going to pull this off!!!" "Tom grab hold of yourself. This means they don't know where we are. They'll figure out we're not on the train eventually but at least they can't track us now." "But they will always be looking for us! They won't stop, what do we do!" "We wait." To my amazement a pick-up truck, or should I say a "Monster Truck" wanna be comes blazing into the train station with piercing loud mufflers. Down a little ladder steps out Marcus, cut sleeve flannel shirt and camouflage baseball cap looking like "Larry the Cable Guy".... He walks over to Devon who pulls out a picture to which I see Marcus vigorously pointing to it. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I think this is the military's way of sending out the Blood Hounds...."Tom, I see Marcus down there, can he follow us through the trails?" "Unless he can get his pick up through them, then no. However Marcus knows Montauk inside and out, it's just a matter of time..." "Tom, stop it. We're going to be OK."

Tom and I sat there until night fall, a full hour after they left. Eventually the coast was clear and we headed off through the trails once again. I ventured into a convenience store to buy some food and water for our trip and made it back to Tom who was waiting for me trying to stay out of sight. I used my credit card and knew it would would be tracked but I had no choice- I found an ATM machine outside the store and withdrew cash- I had to be more clever now if we were going to make it.  As we made back through town we passed the Montauk Tower and I had to stop and look; The answer to all of this lies somewhere in that Tower. I saw a light turn on then off. On then off-wait a minute someone is trying to communicate with me! Tom tugged at my shoulder and broke my fixation on the Tower - we couldn't stay and risk being captured so we continued to walk towards the Atlantic shore. We walked for miles along the beach, Tom, whining, "I'm hungry and tired" every half mile. We were far from the cottage and I thought it safe to scout for a spot. There was no vehicle or pedestrian traffic access or any hint of civilization for miles so I decided to stop. The only other living things around were the ever constant deer. Their population was a healthy one owing to the fact that no hunting was allowed.  "OK Tom let's camp out here." We built a camp fire and roasted a packet of hot dogs I had just bought. The night air wasn't so cold, winter was on it's way out. The winds were calm, the stars were shining bright and the waves gently pressed forward and back. "So Tom, tell me, what are you going to do once this is all over?" "I'm not sure. I don't know what to do. My old life wasn't much better than this one, always locked up in one way or the other ...." "How about you?" "Me? Well, I don't have much to go back to either. I now know sometimes to win you must lose. Before Montauk I clung to the world and all of it's lies. I gave up my life only to find it again. Now I really don't care about anything. I don't mean literally everything, I just don't fall for the lies anymore. I consider myself a free man now. I'm not about to be captured and spend time in some military monkey cell-no that won't happen- I'm not going to let it, I'm prepared should this not work out. Tom I suggest you do the same if you want your freedom." Tom looked at me as if i were crazy. I didn't think he would understand but you never know with some people. The camp fire was still going strong and so we

continued with our conversation.
"What can you tell me about the Montauk Man?" "Don't know much about him. The military is looking for him. I stumbled upon some technology he's utilizing, the military of course wants to know more about it, hence why I'm here. Some think he's an alien, which is not out of the realm of possibilities" "Why do you say that?' "Because, like I told you he's some sort of antenna. OK what's so great about that you ask? Well the information he is receiving are single streams of light rays, the ones with the information I told you about. The fact that he's receiving them is like the accuracy of 10 to the thousand power. Imagine shooting a grain of sand from this beach to California and accurately hitting a stamp on the side of a flower pot let's say in Los Angeles, and I'm being conservative because we don't how far the signal actually comes from. It may be like trying to send this grain of sand to Venus and trying to hit a flower pot on it, it's mind blowing."
"That's amazing stuff, you must be a real genius..." "Well not bragging but I did graduate top of my class at MIT in Maths..."

We were both tired and luckily had small individual tents to retire for the night. I put out the camp fire and looked at the ocean once again before I went to bed. I fell asleep but was awaken to a strange noise, I looked at my watch and it was 3:00 am. I sat up and listened carefully: Yes there it was again, a hum that was getting louder and louder. Wait a minute that hum is a motor engine, and it's coming from down the shore. I got up opened my tent door and saw about a mile away two flickering lights; damn it's that monster truck and it's heading this way at a high rate of speed, Shit! I ran over to Tom's tent and screamed "WAKE UP, WAKE UP! Tom was bleary eyed,"what, what..."  "We gotta move NOW! Pack up your stuff!" I could hear the truck getting closer and could see it clearly now as it swerved back and forth on the beach sand sometimes driving through the waters edge spraying sea mist up high.

I already had an exit trail marked before we had gone to bed just in case and we needed to run in a moments notice. Marcus did a few 360's around our now dead camp fire. He stepped out of his monster truck looked to the edge of the brush and shouted, "You two morons are in for a world of hurt! Come on out now and they'll go easy on you, you have my word!" "Don't move a muscle Tom, he'll go away soon enough. We're getting lucky this time they sent this imbecile for us. Next time they will do a little better, night vision goggles and men with AR rifles will be after us we need to prepare better..."

Copyright Lewis Portal