

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Alternative Portfolio 1, Wardenclyffe + Fantasyland

Mr. Roarke; "Welcome to Fantasy Island! I mean Long Island"

Wardenclyffe, Tesla and Stanford White, Shoreham NY

Monday, May 26, 2014

What Do You Think?

A discussion is sorely needed (rather than saterical videos such as this one)
on what constitutes "eye pollution" but hey that's why I started this blog! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

MOBY + Architecture?


I did not know, but now I do, Moby one of my favorite musicians is into architecture, he even writes a blog about it. Not that he needs my help but here is the link (it's a pretty cool blog):  Moby Blog

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Video of the Week (Year!)

This video expresses the heart and soul of this site...and yes I do know I'm posting multiple videos of the week, I will work that kink out, sorry!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Video of the Week

My architect, cake on his face! 
Looking forward to the movie, "Klimt"

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hampton's Portfolio 4, Meadow Lane, Southampton

Meadow Lane, the most expensive and beautiful strip of land anywhere, or at least right up there. The beaches on Meadow Lane are some of the most scenic in the world and I would enjoy having my lunch break there. I'll never forget one encounter I had where I was walking from the beach (Dune Beach) to my car on the scrub pine lined boardwalk (which is about a couple hundred feet long) and I was passing a mother and her young son who must have been about 8-10 years old, well dressed  sporting a tie and well groomed, as he approached me he said "Good day Sir" and I responded "Good day to you too." I got in my car and said to myself "What just happened there?" I thought that was odd such a young person acting so me a cynic but that's just not common behavior these days... maybe I momentarily time traveled to a different time and place. Anyway enjoy the photos and the artistic license below... 

One of my favorite Norman Jaffe homes

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pic of the Week

"Danish writer Mikael Wulff and cartoon artist Anders Morgenthaler – the creative duo known as Wumo – has created a brilliant series of graphs that illustrate some of the basic painful truths of everyday life in the Western world."

Too funny...


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Miles Jaffe, Crank or Gadfly?

I've worked in the Hamptons for many years now and have never come across this story.  Check out this "alternative" view of the Hamptons from the son of the east ends most prolific architect. Miles Jaffe, son of Norman Jaffe, author of and The Hamptons Dictionary speaks his mind.

Hamptons Dictionary

Nuke the Hamptons?